Our story

In 1968, a group of families challenged the Italian reality of those years by believing and spreading a revolutionary idea: a child in a state of abandonment, anywhere in the world, unbound to blood-ties and ethnic diversity can become a son or a daughter.

Since then, CIAI has come a long way, expanding considerably its field of work, by always maintaining the rights and prosperity of children at the centre. The work CIAI advances begins from them, with them and for them to guarantee protection, social inclusion and psycho-emotional well-being.

In 2021, CIAI forged a strategic alliance with Amref to which it entrusted its cooperation projects in Africa in order to immerse full focus on inter-country adoption and projects on Italian territory.

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Italian Association

for Aid to Children
Via Bordighera 6
20142 Milano (IT)
Tel +39 02 848441