
Education Under Way

Area of action: Educational Poverty
running project
since June 2023


Among the southern regions of Italy, Puglia is in the lead for many indicators. Yet, it  remains below the national average for:

  • School dropouts: 17.9% (Italy: 13.5%)
  • NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training): 29.7% (Italy: 22%)
  • School accessibility by public transport: 81.5% (Italy: 86%)

[Source: Con i Bambini]

Education Under Way (Educazione in Corso) is a 24-month project created to counter educational poverty – preventing school dropouts, the NEET phenomenon and forms of academic deviance – in Municipality 1 of Bari.


The project presents an educational model, which strengthens motivation towards learning, develops a sense of belonging towards the school and the community, and contributes to inclusive, quality education for girls and boys aged 11 to 17.


Education Under Way aims at creating considerable change among children:

  • self-enhancement, learning to value one’s talents and interests, strengthening of self-esteem also through relationships with others;
  • development of communication, expression and artistic skills, spirit of enterprise and initiative;
  • revival towards the search for possible future paths, alternatives to premature school abandonment and academic deviance

Another objective concerns strengthening of the educating community through enhancement of public areas, spaces for self-expression and initiatives for communal moments.


The project is aimed at girls and boys aged 11 to 17 – who are undergoing transition from primary to middle or middle to high school – their families, their schools and their community.


Parents are accompanied to adopt a gaze of care, involvement and at no time judgmental with respect to changes in their children.

The school opens itself to the territory: the activities take place both within its premises and outside, in the nearing neighborhoods. They aim to create a dialogue and a reciprocity on important educational turnarounds with the community.

Actions of the project

active during and after school hours; aimed at 11-14 year-old pupils in situations of vulnerability; aims to enhance students’ motivation to learn, through study support and activities complementary curricular teaching.

activities that aim to make students more aware of their school progression, develop autonomy in the processes of choice, and help them reflect on their own aspirations, resources and their socio-cultural context of affinity.

trainings and meetings to improve the involvement of teachers and educators; sharing of methods and strategies in line with the present-day.

parenting support in the form of meetings and events aimed at setting off the involvement of families and introduce processes of educational co-responsibility.

a series of initiatives involving role modeling, tutoring and workshops to bring girls closer to studies within the scientific field.

activities to develop self-conscience; enhance understanding of oneself and one’s environment, the ability to choose and the responsibility of those choices.

activities in support of summer camps, to help promote active citizenship.

shared space and time to open up to inter-peer and intergenerational dialogue, promote active citizenship and counter forms of inactivity and non-participation.


The project in numbers

Overall, the project activities will reach

minors aged 11-17 at risk of academic deviance

Project funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU – PNRR M5C3 – Investment 1.3 – Structured socio-educational interventions to combat educational poverty in Southern Italy in support of the Third Sector